Tag: this war is ours

Escape The Fate and Attack Attack! @ Summit Music Hall 4/13

| April 21, 2012 | 0 Comments
Escape The Fate and Attack Attack! @ Summit Music Hall 4/13

Photo Credit: Max Giffin [email protected]

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This War Is Ours Tour at the Summit Music Hall 4/13

| April 21, 2012 | 0 Comments
This War Is Ours Tour at the Summit Music Hall 4/13

Photo Credit Max Giffin By Max Giffin [email protected]   Escape The Fate’s This War is Ours Tour hit Denver at the Summit Music Hall on April’s Friday the 13th. The show, also featuring Attack Attack!, The Word Alive, SECRETS, and Mest was a great success. Enough fans turned out to nearly fill the venue, and […]

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