Pop-Punkers Surviving April Strike Back with New Lineup

| November 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Tim Wenger

Pop-punkers Surviving April is striking back with a new lineup and fresh tunes, hoping to increase their mark on Denver’s music scene. There are two new members.

“I moved here about four years ago and always wanted to play in a band,” says new drummer Justin Garcia.” Garcia found the band on Craigslist, hit them up, and proved himself worthy for the job.

Fresh lead guitarist Brad Anderson met the two ‘surviving’ members, guitarist vocalist Brian Blaney and bassist/vocalist Brian Christofferson, a while back. “I knew them mutually through friends of friends, and we just started talking about music and it went from there,” says Anderson. Anderson has a metal background but is excited to play a new genre. “I knew that if I was going to play in a band again it was going to be pop-punk. It’s definitely a change of pace.”

Surviving April’s last show was in May, and they have been silently putting together a new lineup and tunes over the course of the summer and fall. The band was without a drummer for a bit. “We were like, we’re going to be done for a while,” says Blaney. “So we stopped playing. Now, we’re about two months in with the new lineup.”

“We have about four new songs that we’re going to be playing,” says Blaney. “We’re probably going to hit the studio in February if everything goes right. It’s kind of weird having four people in the band now, but everybody gets along.”

Their first show with the new lineup is confirmed for December 14 at Trailside Saloon through Swinging Noose Productions.

Online: facebook.com/survivingapril

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