Red Stinger

| January 1, 2012 | 4 Comments


by Tim Wenger

[email protected]


Red Stinger might be the last four punk rockers in Denver. That being said, they look nothing like punk rockers, and they don’t really play punk rock, at least not JUST punk rock. “We’re definitely not punk rock,” says Timmy, energetic frontman/guitarist of the group. But for these guys, what they lack in fashion makes them that much more punk rock. While a lot of punks look like punks, Red Stinger looks like two Mexicans, a tall dorky guy, and a lethargic stoner, and none of them give a s&%t what you think.

The band’s music is kind of like man-bear-pig, except Al Gore hasn’t heard about it yet. Part 80s hair metal, part punk rock, part hip-hop, part pop punk, and totally ba-dass. Formed in by guitarist Fred in May of 2005, the band’s story: “I found Timmy at this open mic, he had a big ol’ Mohawk, doin’ rap,” says Fred. “I was like, ‘Hey, you wanna be in my band?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah,’ but it took like four months to actually get him to come over and rock. I finally got (Timmy) to come to my house, so I called Louie and I was like, ‘Louie he’s here. Get over here quick!’” He says with a laugh.

“I tried to start bands with everybody,” says Timmy. “Everyone wanted to play Jack Johnson bitch-ass crap, and I wanted to play punk rock.” The band was out playing their first show a few months later at Larimer Lounge. Using borrowed equipment of course, the guys thrashed through six songs or so. “It immediately turned into a mosh pit,” he says. “No one expected us to play what we play; two Mexicans and a white guy, what could they possibly play,” says Fred.

These guys are a perfect recipe for a band. They are a tight-knit group, and with that closeness comes a lot of laughs, side stories, and raised voices as the guys all try to throw in their two cents. But, as with any serious relationship, it also can cause problems. I really wanted to do a story on these guys because we wanted to get the inside scoop on what has been going on with Red Stinger over the past couple years.

In 2010, founding drummer Louie left the band for personal reasons, and the rest of the guys shuffled through a few drummers without much luck, until Louie returned a year later. “Every drummer that we had would piss off one person,” says Timmy. The group wasn’t the same without their Louie, who had been there since the beginning.

“I think I was taking it too serious,” Louie says about why he needed a break. “I wanted s#%t to be perfect, I wanted it done right. Little things would set me off.”

They eventually got Louie to come back just in time for their CD release show earlier this year. “Being in a band with three other people is kinda like trying to raise your own baby together,” says Timmy. “Everybody has their opinions about how the baby should be raised. You’re with people for five years, the meaning can get lost. Ever since we came back, and Louie came back, things are flowing. We are writing a lot easier, we are getting along better.”

And to go along with that newfound affection, the band also has a phenomenal new record. Money in the Blender, their second full-length effort that came out in April and features new member Chewy playing bass on much of it. The album takes everything that Red Stinger is good at, mixes it together, and throws it in your face fast and hard. Elements of punk, metal, white boy hip-hop and plain ol’ rock ‘n roll stand out at different points on the record. Be sure to grab a copy at one of their shows.

LIVE:  Jan. 12 / Herman’s Hideaway / CMB January Issue Release Party

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Category: The Rock, Exclusives

Comments (4)

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  1. Stinger Fan says:

    Fucking love these guys! Cool story CMB

  2. jared says:

    These guys are awesome!!! The new cd to come out this summer (hopefully) will probably top the previous two. A true original diverse style in music!

  3. Michael says:

    Saw them last weekend at the Garage, awesome band.

    I have tried finding any of their CDs online without success. Would appreciate if somebody can point me in the right direction

  4. Editor 2 says:

    Check out Let us know if that doesn’t work!

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