Vetta Star- Pleased To Meet You

| October 1, 2014


by Coleman Trapp

Vetta Star’s EP “Pleased to Meet You” has an aesthetic
reminiscent of bands like Third Eye Blind, Toad The Wet Sprocket, and
The Wallflowers. The influences aren’t overt, because Vetta Star isn’t
copying anyone. They’re doing what feels good, and what feels good is
usually what was on the radio when you were a kid.
The EP starts with Cannonball,  the poppiest of the bunch. On first
listen, the incredibly clean production and predictable
instrumentation taste of vanilla, but these aspects are simply the
canvas on which a well written song rests.
Track 2, Perfect Painful Dream, is a sonic left turn. Unlike
Cannonball, the snare is thick and the vocals are spread across the
aural space. Another good hook here, and to be honest, there are great
hooks throughout the entire 15 minute
I’d recommend this EP for a relaxing night at home. It could be
edgier, but Vetta Star doesn’t want to shock you, they want to
entertain you. The experience is egoless, they seem like a group that
just wants you to
feel something simple and honest.

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Category: A-Sides

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