Zeta Kaye House-Bringing Vol. 5 of This Ain’t no Cowtown

| July 1, 2013 | 0 Comments


by Tim Wenger

Denver’s Zeta Kaye House, owned and operated by John Baxter, is putting together Volume 5 of the popular This Ain’t No Cowtown compilation series. The comps are a collection of local artists coming together not only to spread their music, but also to raise money for a worthy cause.

The cause for Volume 5 is possibly the most worthy yet, being a fundraiser for long-time Denver music scene icon Mike Marchant (Widowers, Houses, Mike Marchant’s Outer Space Party Unit). The compilation should be out by mid-August and will be available for download and donation at thisaintnocowtown.bandcamp.com.

Diagnosed on December 23 with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Stage 2, Marchant was put into heavy chemo treatment until recently when he was placed into a short, localized radiation treatment. The disease is currently in remission; however, the medical bills are still piling high and paid downloads of the compilation aim to take a good whack at those bills and help keep Marchant’s stress level in check. “I am incredibly grateful that I am healthy and grateful for all the love and support I have received from the community,” says Marchant.

Baxter started the compilation series in 2011, “In order to assist Colorado bands reach new and different audiences, through the medium of a free downloadable compilation,” he says. All donations through the Bandcamp page will be deposited directly into Marchant’s bank account to assist with medical bills. Once the album is released, fundraiser parties of many types will commence to help push the record and help raise more money. Submissions for the compilation will be accepted through July 31, and can be emailed to [email protected].

“It’s been anywhere from hip-hop to death metal,” says Baxter. “It’s called a Colorado comp. It’s open to everyone. It gets the word about new artists through it. I use a new local artist to do the artwork for the cover for every volume. On this one, we have a friend of Mike’s doing it, her name is Dara.”

The ongoing process aims to not only raise a sum of money once, but to become an ongoing process of consistent help. “He’s going to continue treatment, and the treatments are a few hundred dollars every time he’s going to go,” says Baxter. “And that’s not doctor visits, that not tests. To continue to do that, it mounts pretty quickly.”

Marchant has a few words of wisdom going for our readers. “Don’t get cancer because treatment is terrible. Also, swollen lymph nodes don’t always just mean you have a bug. Go see a doc now and then no matter how healthy you think you are. Pay attention to your body and always buy American made Fender tube amps.”

Online: facebook.com/zetakayehouse


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