Drinkr-The App You’ve Been Waiting For

| December 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Tim Wenger

The people of Denver, and soon elsewhere, have a new way to keep up on the drinking scene in their city. Drinkr, a new app available for free download, catalogues bars and their drink menu, specials and amenities.

The app is currently available for the iPhone, and the crew hopes to get it out for Android very soon. Additionally, they hope to release the app in Spanish and Mandarin as well. Nicholas Krut is the developer of the app, with team members Chris Jensen and Lingo Lin Weiling assisting with marketing and data collection.

The app is, and hopefully always will be, free. “We don’t ever want users to have to pay for it,” says Krut. It hooks in with Facebook and Foursquare. A main difference between Drinkr and other food and beverage info sources such as Yelp, is that it has a personal touch to it. They actually go to the bar, compile the info and amenities personally, and add it to their database.

“If you’re looking for a place that has a pool table, you can see all these bars that have pool tables,” says Krut. “You want a pool table and a jukebox, these bars listed have those. Immediately, you know what bar you want to go to.”

The app has special features; such as knowing how many app users are at a bar based on how many check-ins there have been. Additionally, users can choose a bar based on how quiet or rowdy the bar is. “We actually get the average decibels with each check in,” says Krutn. “Eventually, we’ll be able to build a graph, with what times it’s loudest, what times it’s quietest.”

“It’s extremely simple,” Krut says. “Eventually, what we’d like is for bars to be able to modify their own stuff. That way we don’t have to go to every bar and (Jensen) won’t have to keep destroying his liver.”

The crew hopes to get the entire state covered, and eventually spread around the United States. “We’re making Colorado our test square,” says Jensen. “We really want to see how the app works. We’re just going to try and get a sense as to how many people need to be around, what the demographics need to look like for this to be a viable option.”

“We built into this a lot of marketing stuff,” says Krut “If a liquor distributor, like Stranahan’s comes to us, and they’re like, ‘We want to sponsor a happy hour,’ what we could do is make it so that every bar in Denver that has Stranahan’s would give them a discount. So what we’d like to eventually do is work with Drinkr bars and say, ‘You guys don’t even have to bear the cost of it, (the liquor company) is going to pay 50 cents for every Stranahan’s drink you sell.’ When someone opens the app, Stranahan’s bars would be highlighted.”

Online: facebook.com/thedrinkr

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