Fort Collins band, Give ‘Er Hell, prepares for their final show

| October 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenn Cohen

photo courtesy of GEH Facebook

Mark your calendars for November 9, and plan on being at Hodi’s Half Note. After seven years, Give ‘er Hell, with their “unique blend of venerable rock influences, featuring AC/DC-esque guitar riffs, combined with the flashiness of sunset-strip metal, and a bit of southern twang in the vein of Lynyrd Skynyrd, masterfully mixed to form an assortment of Party-rock anthems that make crowds go wild,” will be playing their final show. Find out why.

CMB: Before rumors start flying, why the break up?

BUCK: We just felt it was time. When we first started, we practiced 3-4 times a week, played every weekend, recorded albums, promoted and toured. It was a full time job for all of us. It was all we had, and was what we did. We felt like we were going to take over the world and rock n roll til we died.  But work, kids, school, relationships, marriages, our other bands, business, and growing up are all some of the many reasons we cannot devote ourselves to what Give ‘Er Hell deserves and needs. We all grew out of the boys who just wanted to get drunk, kick ass, and rock. Now we are men who want to do those things, but responsibility calls. We finally sat down and talked about it, and mutually decided it was best for Give ‘Er Hell to be remembered for what it was and not fade away! It is literally the most bittersweet thing any of us has ever had to do. 

JASPER: None of us have the time to make the band a priority anymore. Between work, school, family, or otherwise, we haven’t been able to give it the attention necessary to keep it thriving.

TOBI: Life happens. We gave it a good solid run, and hopefully we will all share a stage together down the road. We’ve stayed best friends and brothers through it all, and will continue to be best friends and brothers for the rest of our lives.

CMB: How long were you together?

BUCK: Seven years total, with only one member change in the whole seven years (not counting Jasper who started playing with us three months into our inception, but was never told he was actually in the band until last year or so). 

JASPER: I personally joined about six years ago, although they didn’t officially tell me I was in the band for four years, but I kept showing up with beer, so . . .

CMB: What was your favorite part of being in a band with each other?

BUCK: These guys are my best friends. I love them like brothers. They were the groomsmen in my wedding. I have been through more shit with these guys than anyone, and I would take a bullet (below the knee) for any of them. We experienced something great, unique, and special together, and we will always be a family to each other.

JASPER: For me, it was playing really fun music, the most fun I’ve ever had playing music in my life. And to me that was really the point. It was never about the money, that’s for sure. But also, it was playing with awesome dudes who quickly became my best friends. And pussy.

TOBI: The fact that we were all friends and our primary goal was to simply have fun and make some noise. I think we achieved that pretty well.

CMB: Most memorable moment as a band?

BUCK: I think our first CD release in 2008 was one of the best nights for us, and my life. It was the first full- length any of us had ever released. It was a sold out show, and the line stretched down the street to get in. It felt like we had made it in a small way, like we had started a Rock N Roll scene, and people cared what we were doing. The show was epic, and people talked about it for weeks. We also played Surfside in Fort Collins for Focomx a year and a half ago. They packed so many people in there; the fire marshal came and almost shut the show down. We came out swinging, and it was a drunk fest. People were crowd surfing and hanging from the bike on the ceiling. People fell in love, and babies were made. IT WAS CHAOS! And it was awesome. One of the best shows we have ever had!

JASPER: So many shows, so many parties, so many hilarious and sexually ambiguous photo shoots, it’s really hard to say. One night, in Texas, our buddy, and erstwhile roadie, Michael B, was complaining that he had the hiccups. I suggested a foolproof cure, which was to sock him as hard as I could in the gut. Well, he obliged, so I nailed him, and he dropped to one knee for a minute, then all of a sudden–bam! –he hit the deck face first into a brick wall. I thought he was literally dead, because I couldn’t do anything to revive him, but after about a minute I heard him snoring. I don’t think I ever laughed so hard upon hearing that. But mostly I was just glad I hadn’t killed the poor bastard.  

SHAMROCK: Sean Kennedy’s and Buck’s cardboard cutout of John Elway at Back Bone Recording Studios. Watch our VanillaWolfSnatch video.

TOBI: The 28-hour road trip from San Antonio to Fort Collins locked in an Expedition. No hotels; just cruise control, an ipod, and of course the best company anyone could ask for.

CMB: What do you see the future holding for each of you (musically or otherwise)?

BUCK: Each of us will always play music, and always play in bands. It’s who we are, it’s the only thing we are good at, and the only thing we have that is truly ours! I have a beautiful wife, my new band, Talisker Skye, the Broncos, and fly fishing. Scott has some huge things coming up and is working his ass off. Jasper is going to school in Denver and getting a degree in World Domination. Tobi is a proud father, running is own tattoo shop, and plays in another band with Sham. Shamrock plays in half a dozen bands, and shreds gnar in between his work schedule. 

JASPER: I am currently working on finishing up my music business degree at CU Denver. I am open to playing with new people in Denver and am looking into other capacities in the music business as well, such as marketing. One day, I hope to open a rehearsal studio (they are seriously lacking around here), and I would like for that facility to also incorporate a built-in music school.

SHAMROCK: We’ll cross paths again I’m sure. I’m in 20XIII and Tobi and I are in GuerrillaRadio, a Rage Against the Machine tribute band. Buck’s in Talisker Skye. Jasper’s an idiot savant, so he’ll be in like 30 bands before tomorrow.

TOBI: Just living. Each of us is very talented and will continue down our paths. Hopefully a stop awaits us in the future where all those paths will cross again.

CMB: What do you want to make sure people know before your final show?

BUCK: We had the privilege of seeing and doing some of the most fun and craziest things in the world. We will have and hold onto those memories forever. We got to see the country, record some songs, play countless shows, drink some booze, and made a ton of friends along the way. Thank you to everyone who ever gave a damn about us–our families, and ALL of our friends, for the many years of love and support, it means more than you know! We kept playing cause you guys kept showing up! We will miss you guys the most. It was an honor to play in a band with each other and for all our fans. Long live Rock N Roll!!!!

JASPER: Mainly that we appreciate all the support they have given us over the years, and that we love each and every person that has been a part of the rock ‘n’ roll party along the way, we couldn’t have done it without them. I hope we see as many of them as possible at this final show so that we can close the book on a high note, and enjoy it with all of our best friends. It’s been a hell of a ride.

TOBI: We did this because we love it. Not for fame, fortune or popularity. Because we love rock and roll, being blessed to be friends, and we hope to do it again some day. 









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