Joshua Radin-Wax Wings CD Review

| May 1, 2013 | 0 Comments


Wax Wings Promo Photo(1)

by Jenn Cohen

Photo courtesy of Radin’s Mgt.


Even if you’re not familiar with his name, chances are good that you’ve heard Joshua Radin’s music. He is most notoriously known for the songs that make you cry on T.V. shows and movie soundtracks.

His soothing delivery, both instrumentally and vocally, make his songs feel comfortable and natural, though clearly they are inspired by the angst and happiness of romance and hope.

Radin’s fifth full-length album, Wax Wings, is due to drop on May 7, which is perfect for a summer-season soundtrack. Like most of Radin’s songs, they are emotional; whether it’s happy, like “With Me,” or lullaby-esque, “My My Love,” you will feel.

And next time you hear a song in the background of a movie or T.V. show, Shazam it. It’s likely Radin.



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Category: A-Sides

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